There was a time when I worked for Corporate America. The Business culture, as with most corporations, was largely individualized and focused on the market. The market culture attracts highly competent people who like to win. Leaders are demanding and expect employees to perform well under high pressure. This type of atmosphere encourages employees to work hard and reach company goals. While some people thrive in this environment, others do not. As a result, employees feel stressed and can quickly experience burnout. In addition, the employee turnover rate increases, investing more money and resources in hiring and retraining.
We go through so much in our lives. Yet, the statement 'Just Let go' is both, the worst thing you can hear and the best thing to do. The first thing to understand is that 'letting go' means different things to different people. It can include anything, from letting go of a place, a person, a situation, or something you hold dear to your heart. But how do you let go of something without burying it deeper inside yourself, causing more harm?
Self-awareness is becoming a buzz phrase in business leadership. Businesses are realizing that self-awareness is an important trait or discipline that lends itself to increase influence, being a better decision-maker, and a more effective leader. It’s what helps you to be the best version of yourself, as well as a great leader.
We all face stressful situations throughout our lives, ranging from minor annoyances like traffic jams to more serious worries, such as an illness or the death of a loved one. No matter the cause, we still experience stress. Stress, which triggers the body into releasing cortisol, is often called the stress hormone. Cortisol is the hormone that causes your heart to pound, your breathing speeds up, and your muscles tense. This is all in preparation for the Flight or Fight response that is needed in a survival situation, like running from a wild animal.
In my line of work as a leadership coach, I find it interesting how many times I have heard clients say, "To function in my profession and workplace, I have to hide my spiritual side." If you can relate to this, then listen up. After all, you are a multi faucet being with depth. Your spiritual side is part of the richness of who you are at core level.
Welcome!I'm Lillian your Consciousness Coach!
I created the 'Just be You!' blog to support those on a Conscious Personal & Professional Development path!
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